Hi, I'm Carrie

In April 2016, I found myself at a major crossroads in my life. Either stop drinking or lose my marriage. True story. It's cliché but I was the highly functional wine mom. The PTA social chair, neighborhood president, full-time working nurse practitioner, wife and mother of 2 young children. Somewhere along the way,  I found myself completely addicted to alcohol. It was insidious. One day I was drinking 'normally' and then I was not. 

When I think back to why my drinking changed, there was no reason other than pure progression of addiction. The only ‘stressor’ at that time was a move down the road for better schools. I vividly remember wanting to fit in with the other soccer moms. It became a little more anxiety here, a little more wine there.

Very subtle.

My husband tried over and over to talk to me about my drinking. I always skirted the issue by changing the subject. He confided in my closest friend, my brother Daniel, who also gently tried to discuss it with me. I could not talk about it. I knew to my core if I admitted it that meant I needed to address it.

I knew.​

I tried to moderate but I could not. I tried all the rules. You name it, I tried it. Only 2 drinks, no drinking during the week, only on special occasions. My drinking came to a hard stop on April 3, 2016. That was the day I threw my hands in the air and asked for professional help.

I could not do it alone.

Since getting sober, my life has blossomed, grown and expanded in such vibrant and extraordinary ways I did not know existed. I am passionate not only about helping others get sober but to truly embrace sobriety and confidently own it.

Way sooner than I did.

I would be honored to help you wherever you are on your journey.
